Return Policy

1. Eligibility for Returns

a. Unopened Products:

We accept returns of unopened and unused paint products within 10 days from the date of purchase.

b. Defective Products:

Defective products can be returned within 10 days from the date of purchase. Proof of purchase is required.

2. Conditions for Returns

a. Original Packaging:

All returned products must be in their original packaging, unopened, and in resalable condition.

b. Proof of Purchase:

A valid receipt or proof of purchase must accompany the return.

3. Non-Returnable Items

a. Opened or used paint products cannot be returned unless they are deemed defective.

b. Custom-tinted paints or products that have been specifically modified per customer requests are non-returnable.

4. Return Process

a. Notification:

To initiate a return, please contact our customer service team at to obtain a Return Authorization (RA) number.

b. Return Shipping:

Customers are responsible for return shipping costs unless the product is confirmed defective.

c. Refund or Exchange:

Upon receipt and inspection of the returned product, we will process a refund or exchange according to the condition of the returned item.

5. Refund Method

a. Refunds will be issued using the original payment method used for the purchase.

6. Defective Product Returns

a. If the product is confirmed defective, we will cover the return shipping costs and offer a replacement product or a full refund, as per the customer’s preference.

7. Exceptions

a. Our return policy does not affect your statutory rights in cases of faulty or misdescribed goods.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding our return policy, please contact our customer service team at